

Larson Design Group environmental specialists are committed to providing innovative, environmentally sound, and economical solutions. Our experts are fluent in the challenges that arise when proposed project activities interact with the natural environment, whether planning a residential development, constructing a utility line, replacing a bridge, or restoring a stream. In all field data collection, reporting and analysis, we focus on conserving, maintaining, and improving our natural resources and environment as well as helping clients navigate the complex regulatory landscape.


Wetlands contain diverse and productive ecosystems that support a multitude of species. At LDG, we understand the regulations that protect these ecosystems. Through state-of-the-art approaches, low impact development (LID), and environmentally friendly designs, we are able to effectively develop clients’ projects.

  • Wetland delineations
  • Wetland mapping
  • Wetland design
  • Wetland mitigation
  • Wetland monitoring
  • Site identification
  • Restoration and enhancement
  • Habitat analysis
  • Functional assessments
  • Permitting / agency coordination


Stream ecosystems may be affected through channelization, reduced riparian buffers, agricultural processes, land development, transportation/utility corridors, and destructive natural processes such as flooding. Additionally, development and land use may be required to interact with these ecosystems to function properly. LDG has the expertise to assess streams and riparian habitats to determine the existing condition, functions, and values of the resource. Based on the assessment we can effectively achieve our clients’ project goals, whether it is the construction of a needed project or the improvement and restoration of the stream corridor’s functions. We approach every stream project with the same mindset: continually striving to reduce impacts, maintain or improve ecological functions and water quality, and reduce the overall impact of infrastructure projects such as roads, buildings, sewer lines, and bridges on the stream system.

We provide water quality testing as part of a stream assessment or as a stand-alone service. Additionally, we provide water sampling for lakes, wells, and outfall structures. Field testing encompasses standard parameters such as pH, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. We can also collect samples for submission to a certified lab for more in-depth analysis. Following the acquisition of sampling results, LDG can assist with planning and design of projects to either protect the existing water conditions or reduce issues creating poor water quality.

  • Aquatic habitat assessments/restoration
  • Water quality testing
  • Macro invertebrate surveys
  • Stream relocation design/permitting
  • Habitat conservation plans and easements
  • Stream bank restoration
  • Sediment transport analysis
  • Stream flow analysis
  • Geomorphic evaluation
  • Floodplain analysis/risk assessment

Watershed Planning

LDG understands that watershed evaluation and planning is an intricate process requiring an interdisciplinary approach. Our environmental professionals are experienced in targeting desired goals and objectives while maintaining a socially responsible, environmentally effective, and fiscally sound process.

By using innovative ideas and designs, our biologists and planners are able to assess a watershed’s overall health, create solutions for existing problems, and assist in land development. Professional services are available for needs through all phases of watershed evaluation and planning.

  • Watershed management plans
  • Watershed delineation and mapping
  • Watershed monitoring
  • TMDL analysis
  • Nutrient management planning
  • Habitat enhancement and restoration

Environmental Compliance / Due Diligence

We provide a range of services related to both avoiding and identifying contamination issues. This includes services such as preparing/updating spill prevention, control and countermeasure (SPCC) plans, state-specific pollution prevention and control (PPC) plans, air quality monitoring and compliance services, and phase I environmental site assessments (ESA) for a variety of clients.

LDG has extensive experience evaluating our client’s facilities, identifying and incorporating SPCC and PPC plan elements, and assisting our clients with the implementation of their specific facility plans in changing regulatory environment.

Air quality compliance and leak detection and repair (LDAR) services include LDAR surveys and tracking, compliance reporting, compliance reviews, air emissions inventories, and federal and state regulation application and remediation.

Our phase I ESAs are conducted based on ASTM 1527 guidelines and cover both office and field data collection and analysis. We are well versed in the ASTM standards and can tailor the evaluation to the client's needs and site conditions to cost effectively achieve the appropriate conclusions.


LDG’s environmental specialists are experts in the utilization of scientifically proven, agency-approved protocols to help monitor and manage the contact between natural resources and man-made development. We provide high quality ecological consulting assisting a wide array of clients with managing natural resources and projects located at the intersection of developed and undeveloped lands. LDG’s experienced environmental specialists aid clients with identifying, assessing, permitting, and monitoring these resources through specialized ecological services.

  • Terrestrial and aquatic habitat evaluations
  • Avian surveys/migratory bird counts
  • Forest stand delineations
  • Bog turtle habitat assessments
  • Soil mapping
  • Invasive species management and control
  • Botanical surveys
  • Threatened and endangered species coordination and evaluation
  • Species of special concern evaluation - PNDI
  • Habitat evaluations
  • Environmental site assessment

Environmental Permitting & Clearance

We understand the strict and diverse environmental compliance regulations that must be followed during all phases of construction and design. We strive to protect the interests of our clients, the contractors, and the environment. Our partnership with our client’s encompasses EVERYTHING FROM developing the best solutions for environmental compliance through coordinating with agencies to ensure that environmental impacts are minimized, and any instances are quickly resolved. Permitting expertise covers state and federal regulations related to wetland and stream encroachments as well as state and local regulations for NPDES permitting. Our designers develop erosion and sedimentation control plans and stormwater management plans to support the permitting process. We develop mitigation plans and post construction monitoring programs to satisfy regulatory requirements.

Our environmental staff maintains strong working relationships with the various federal, state, and local regulatory agencies including the US Army Corps of Engineers and understands how to prepare permit applications to expedite the review process.


We are experienced in NEPA compliance and approval. We provide data collection and analysis as well as prepare the documentation whether checklists or complex submissions. Our staff is experienced with other federal and state-related environmental clearance documentation such as Section 4(f), Section 6(f), wild and scenic rivers coordination, and PA Section 202.

Comprehensive Environmental Management & Assistance

We understand that many projects involve unique and complex environmental challenges. Our environmental staff has years of experience assisting clients through virtually every environmental subject matter. We can provide assistance working through the steps of surveying/evaluation, impact assessment, and regulatory clearance for issues including but not limited to:

  • Asbestos and lead sampling
  • Underground and above-ground storage tanks
  • Hazardous waste / contamination sampling
  • Risk management / spill prevention
  • Hazardous material handling
  • Historic resources
  • Archaeology
  • Threatened and endangered species
  • Invasive plant species / vegetation mangement
  • Noise

Certifications & Training

Professional Wetlands Scientist (PWS)
Wetlands Professional in Training (WPIT)
Registered Landscape Architect (RLA)
Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC)
Sewage Enforcement Officers (SEO)
Phase 1 Bog Turtle Habitat Training
Ohio Rapid Wetland Assessment (ORAM)
Rapid Biological Assessment Training
Ohio EPA Primary Headwater Habitat Training
Ohio EPA Biological Assessment Training
North Carolina Stream Identification Methodology
News & Insights
News & Insights
Accolades: LDG Receives ACEC/PA Diamond Award for Engineering Excellence for Innovative Environmental Project
Innovation + Insights: LDG Environmental Team Uses Unique Specialty for Species Relocation
Notes From the Road: Addressing the Effects of Coal Mining at the PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference

Through Accolades, LDG shares news of the awards, rankings, and professional achievements that recognize our people, our hard work, and our exceptional client service.

Innovation + Insights explore the ways in which our people embrace new technologies and approaches in our industry, seeking to continuously evaluate and improve our processes and services.

Notes From the Road is a closer look at the learning opportunities and experiences of our employee owners from industry events, client engagements, and projects around the world.