Larson Design Group (LDG) was prime consultant for the Mansfield Bypass, a $75 million limited access highway project.
This project was built under three separate contracts, the first as a design-build for the seven-span, Section F13, bridge that crosses the backwater area of the Tioga Dam and built on existing piers; the second for earthwork, drainage, and new bridges; and the third for pavement and existing bridge rehabilitation. The project consisted of the construction of two lanes of limited access highway 10.5 miles in length, in order to upgrade U.S. 15 to a four-lane highway. A categorical exclusion evaluation (level 4) was completed for the project. Also included in the project are two interchanges, three new bridges that cross existing side roads, one new river bridge, one new box culvert and a box culvert extension, as well as the rehabilitation of seven bridges. Preliminary site development for the Tioga Welcome Center was performed with the scenic view of the Tioga Dam. The existing concrete southbound lanes of Section E61 were rehabilitated using crack and seat with a bituminous overlay. Included in this project was signing and interchange lighting, and lighting at the new Welcome Center. There was a weather station installed at the F13 bridge as part of this project.